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Tea Time!!!

Anise Tea: Aniseed works as an expectorant to loosen phlegm. Help fight Cold and Congestion

Black Tea: One study found that black tea, like green tea, contains chemicals that stop plaque from forming on teeth. Help fights Fewer cavities.

Ginger Tea: Several studies have found that ginger calms queasy stomach ( giinger candies and ginger ale may work too.) Help fights Motion sickness.

Licorice Tea: Long used for coughs, licorice has soothing properties that can ease an itchy, scratchy throat.
Nettle Tea: Active compounds help flush out residue and relieve discomford ( but the tea isn't a cure). Help fights Bladder infection.

Peppermint Tea: Peppermint- which contains methol- works by relaxing the digestive muscle and helping expel gas. Help fights Indigestion