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» Health & Fitness » Childhood Obesity

Help your children maintain a healthy body weight

  • Be supportive. Children know if they are overweight and don't need to be reminded or singled out. They need acceptance, encouragement and love.
  • Set guidelines for the amount of time your children can spend watching television or playing video games.
  • Plan family activities that involve exercise. Instead of watching TV, go hiking or biking, wash the car, or walk around a mall. Offer choices and let your children decide.
  • Be sensitive. Find activities your children will enjoy that aren't difficult or could cause embarrassment.
  • Eat meals together as a family and eat at the table, not in front of a television. Eat slowly and enjoy the food.
  • Don't use food as a reward or punishment. Children should not be placed on restrictive diets, unless done so by a doctor (for medical reasons). Children need food for growth, development and energy.
  • Involve your children in meal planning and grocery shopping. This helps them learn and gives them a role in the decision making.
  • Keep healthy snacks on hand. Good options include fresh, frozen, or canned fruits and vegetables; low-fat cheese, yogurt or ice cream; frozen fruit juice bars; and cookies such as fig bars, graham crackers, gingersnaps or vanilla wafers.
  • Focus on small, gradual changes in eating and activity patterns. This helps form habits that can last a lifetime.