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Look Good as You Get Fit

Physical activity can be fun! Do things you enjoy like:
  • dancing
  • rollerblading
  • fast walking
  • playing sports
  • bicycling
  • swimming.

If you can, be physically active with a friend or a group. That way, you can cheer each other on, have company, and feel safer when you are outdoors. Find a local school track where you can walk or run, go for a stroll in a local park, or join a recreation center near your home or work.

Think you do not have time for physical activity? It is easy to move more by making these small changes to your daily routine:
  • Get off the bus or subway one stop early and walk the rest of the way (be sure the area is safe).
  • Park your car farther away and walk to your destination.
  • Walk to each end of the mall when you go shopping.

If you avoid physical activity because you do not want to ruin your hairstyle, try:
  • a natural hairstyle
  • a style that can be wrapped or pulled back
  • a short haircut
  • braids, twistes or locs.

TIP: Day-to-day activities can cause salt buildup in your hair. To remove salt, shampoo with a mild, pH-balanced product at least once a week.