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Healthy Body Image

To ensure that children feel good about their bodies and to avoid the pitfalls of dieting or eating disorders, it is important that adults treat all children with respect and provide adequate information to children about growth and development and nutrition.
  • Create an environment that helps children recognize their individual value by rewarding
  • Prepare students for anticipated body changes through human growth and development and health education classes.
  • Discuss the social and emotional aspects of physical changes associated with maturation in human growth and development and health education classes.
  • Increase awareness of how the media and advertising influences cultural norms.
  • Encourage physical education instructors to be sensitive to ways in which body image can affect children's willingness to participate in physical education and activity. Changing clothes, showering, and the type of activity offered may deter children with body image problems from participating in and benefitting from physical activity.
  • Coaches should be cautious when advising students to lose or gain weight to participate in a sport. Students may respond to criticism or comments about their bodies by engaging in destructive dieting.
  • Consider body image and self- esteem issues when addressing weight concerns in children.
  • Be alert to signs of eating disorders and refer appropriately.