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Weight Loss Product Alert - Ephedra

Ephedra, also known as ma huang, is found in some herbal products sold for weight control. . Ephedra is a controversial product. It may produce weight loss, but issues of appropriate dosage, effect of other stimulants and safety issues cloud this substance.

Ephedra has been reported to cause nausea, dizziness, headache, skin rash, nervousness, moodiness, depression, heartracing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, blurred vision, addiction, disorientation, low blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, chest pains, heart palpitations, and death.

Since the early 1990's the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned consumers about the dangers of using ephedra and has tried to regulate it. The FDA continues to evaluate ephedra and determine appropriate controls.

For the latest on the FDA's actions to regulate ephedra, read Dietary Supplements: Ephedrine Alkaloids.

Read the 1995 FDA advisory, FDA Warns Consumers Against Nature's Nutrition Formula One.